I loved that cat, it seems she has always been in my life and now to have her gone has left a gaping hole in my soul that i cannot bury. This all started a few months ago when we came home from church to find her gone... We looked everywhere for her and it wasn't till 24 hour later that searching the back yard again, thanks to a sighting by a neighbor, we found her hidden in tall weeds. If i hadn't walked the way i had (avoid spider webs) i never would have seen her there.

Yesterday i went downstairs to feed her only to find she hadn't eaten her food at all. I was worried and quickly refilled her water bowl but she was having trouble standing and would only do a few licks ever like 10 minutes. The gap between her licks of water got longer and longer. she wouldn't even drink the tuna water i brought down. I held her, hoping that she would get better. But i knew as i laid down with her in my bed that she was getting worse.
I had called my mom a few times by that point and i was praying like crazy that if she had to go, to let me be awake when she did so she wasn't alone... she deserved better then to die while i slept. I got more than i wanted.. Right when i started maybe falling asleep she puked all over the pillow i had her on and my bed. I had to get up and clean it all.

I just its because when she could smell mom on the bed she knew she was home and that it was okay to let go,,, I can honestly say i just cried and almost screamed. i called my mom. I couldn't be able to go to sleep now.. she told me where some plaster mold stuff was and i mixed two up and made paw print impression of her then.. wrapping her up in one of my moms shirts, i wrapped her in a bag and put her in the fridge since we were going to have her cremated on Thursday when my mom returns..
it was so hard... to put her in there. I kept wanting to run back and check just to make sure. She wasn't dead she was sleeping but i couldn't fool myself.. her heart had stopped. Her heart beat had been so easy to feel that, i knew she was gone. Even now I'm crying all over again. I hate that i was alone for this, I hate that she died, and I hate that i feel like it is all my fault. Maybe if i had just checked on her sooner, or been down there more...
I miss her so much and i don't know how i will be able to go on without her. She has been with me since i was about 4... almost my entire life... I tried just pushing through it and was doing good till my mentor teacher for my school-age practicum said i was looking good and asked if i wanted to go home and i just burst into tears.
Rest In Peace now Princess... I pray that even though you died while i went to close the door that you knew i was there for you and you weren't alone... and i pray that you know how much i love you