Hello Lovies!
Most of the day yesterday, and a lot of today I have been on Minecraft working on my home. When I first spawned, it was right next to a jungle temple, so I just made a door and used that as my home. I took out the traps and made a mine, I set up a bed and chests.
The other day I decided to finally make it look more like a home. I started a base beside it trying to figure out how I was going to incorporate the temple, after all it was full of chests and had my mine entrance, I didn't want to destroy it and move everything. I figured, first I would finish what I was doing so I laid out the base and slowly worked up, going out and gathering more sand for glass and more clay for brick, and more wood when I needed to. Soon the house was completed but the temple, made of cobblestone stood out and did not look very nice beside it. I started putting wood here and there, changing the steps to brick and adding glass and before I knew it, the temple had become a new part of the house.
I took the picture above and just loved the house but I wanted more to it, I wanted maybe a flower garden and a pond. Perhaps I could build a bridge. What I did notice was that the animals in the front with the farm just took away from the house. So carefully i moved the farm and the animals to the back, making a new home for them there with better pens. I happened to have some dandelions on me, as they grow everywhere in the jungle, and so i made some yellow dye and dyed a sheep yellow, capturing a black sheep as well and bringing it in.

Their wool soon grew back and I added more and more colors until I hit a problem. I could easily do brown from cocoa beans since they were everywhere here, but the only way i could get green [and there for lime green and cyan] was with cactus. Cactus grows in a desert and I had yet to find one. But I had to try. So I set out in a different direction and walked. I found another field of flowers, passed a pack of wolves and alot of bunnies. I even made a boat and set sail untill I finally found a desert. Happily I gathered up as much cactus as I could and returned.
On my way back I tamed a horse and now that I had bones ( taken from a desert temple) I could tame the wolves. 2 were tamed, the third didn't before I ran out of bones. So taking my 2 dogs I went home and worked till I had ever color of sheep imaginable except for the grey.
The reason i never made a grey sheep was that you need an ink sack to make black and grey. So, i just gathered the wool for the achievement instead. There wasn't a lot of room in my sheepies home, so i expanded it for them. The dummies however love to converge in one tiny spot.

The Important thing was, I got the achievement and all of the different colors of wool. I was very proud of myself. Not only did I have a rainbow of sheep, but I also had the achievment and my home looked amazing.
Now, while I was on my long cactus journey I found little patches of swamp and guess what was in the water? Lily pads! I gathered up tons of it and once home I instantly put it out on my pond. Lastly I planted some reeds in sand around the pond and I was finally done with my home. The inside I put flowers and dug a basement for my brewing stand and all my potions.

Walking around my home, making sure everything was as I wanted I put the dogs outside. They have a nasty habit of jumping up on the fencing and trying to go into the fire place. The cat is good so far, it loves to just sit around.

Finally though my house was completed and it looks so fabulous. I have a picture of the front and the back so you can see my handiwork. I don't think it looks that bad for someone just going off random ideas. The squarish part of the house on the right is what used to be the jungle temple. The left is the home I built from the ground up.
In the last picture you can see the back of my house, with all my farm and animals. I have pigs, cows, sheep, and chickens. On my cactus journey I found a village and gathered up some potatoes I have planted in my farm. The only thing I am missing now is carrots.

For anyone wondering I am using the Windows 10 version of Minecraft, and I have the Fantasy Texture added to it.
Goodnight Lovies!
J. K. Van'Ellessad