Monday, May 26, 2014

Love From Affar

*taken from the Mae and Tahlen notebook, this work belongs to J.K. Van'Ellesad alone, do NOT take it as your own* 

There she stood, silently in the doorway. Half of her hair was pulled over her shoulders, bounded with silver strands starting at her shoulders down past her hips. The rest of her long hair hung free down her back, the ends brushing against her thighs. He’d never seen hair as long, or as beautiful, as hers. As she slowly came into the light, the brown and ginger highlights throughout the raven locks shimmered.

He was not the only one that noticed her, for instantly the conversations turned to hushed tones, most whispering about the ’cursed’ girl. Looking in a way she wouldn’t notice, he watched the loneliness and hurt swirl in her ice colored eyes. She did not understand why she was treated so differently, unlike him she missed the jealousy and fear in their eyes.

It wasn’t long before she quickly moved through the room, to a dark comer she had become acquainted with since the days after she had awaken. He wanted to go to her, to wipe the pain from her eyes but he could not get himself to stand. Whether she remembered her past or not, he knew it. And he would not take advantage of her. So he held back and observed her from a distance.

He knew what she wanted, so while she was distracted he taped in an order in the pad before him and a large mug of hot chocolate with whip cream and mint fudge swirls appeared before her. She looked down and offered a rare smile, giving a sign of thanks to whoever had ordered it. Then, sliding her fingers through the cups handle and around the other side of the cup she lifted it and took a sip.

It had taken some time, but he had come to notice her fondness for sweets, chocolate in particular. So when she wasn’t looked he’d often order them for her, sometimes having them delivered to her room. When he saw her smile, he knew it was well worth it.