So on the 13th me, mom and dad drove up to where the ward [church] had camped out. we couldn't do the camp out itself because me and mom had had school. So we decided to drive up that morning for breakfast. After breakfast me and mom had fun walking around. Mom had her phone so you know whats coming... awesome pics!
Yes this is a tiny flower... we even held it up to a penny so you could understand its smallness.
Oh look! its another home in the ground. This one is harder to see but isn't it just awesome I loved seeing all these different holes and homes! The very first one was the best, but these others were still pretty darn cool.
Now, while we were walking we came a crossed this beautiful little purple flower. It even has the little stripes. I loved it so I decided to press it as well. But then I took a picture so everyone else could see its pretty color and admire it with me.
Now, as we were walking around we find an area that has what looks like a fire pit, but overgrown with grass. If it was a fire pit, it wasn't anymore, so as mom stood by it I had her stop for a moment so I could get a good picture of the area. the picture (left) I thought was good at getting the whole little area there.
So do you see that strange box with a hole in it? It is right next tot he left side of my mom... You don't know what it is? Well...welcome to the club! We have no idea what it is either. So I took a picture of it. You have to admit it is kind of cool looking. So if you know what it is, you are welcome to comment and let me know and i'll spread the word.
We know it is not a box to keep out the bears... because there is a whole in the middle of it. So that wouldn't keep anything out.
I am going to tell you the story of a little purple flower. Different from the one I have shown earlier it was bent over almost like a bell. It was so pretty and little i picked it and instantly put it into my book to be pressed.
This was just a pretty plant. We saw one that was more full grown and it was huge.. and I do mean huge, it reached up to my hips I think. The way this
plant looked against the red dirt was just so pretty I had to take a picture of it. Go on... tell me its not pretty... HA! you can't cause it is gorgeous. I found a few pushes, or clusters of little plants that I thought just looked cool. I don't know what they are but I loved how they looked in general . Looking at the picture I also love how the green and browns mix together. I know it is just a bush to most, but I rather like it.
I have another picture here of more things I just thought looked interesting. Not everything here is extremely beautiful, it just looked interesting enough that I wanted to get a picture of it and safe it.
Now, looking up at all these pictures I think before I get to my last two, I need to bring up another flower. My mom thought that it was Indian's Paint Brush, but wasn't 100% positive. I loved how it looked, it is just so beautiful. So I took another picture of it. I do not remember if there were more around of if it was just this one, however I don't really remember any others really around it. So this may have been the only one that was there.
Now to my last two pictures. The first picture was just a cute little tree that seemed to have a little quirk to it. You have to admit that these special types of trees always make you smile because you know someone that, if they were a tree, would look like one of these.
In fact, I probably would be one of these. The second picture is of an aspen. Now there was no other aspens we could find in the area and this poor little guy was trying so hard to grow, but he didn't even really have many branches or leaves; but he was standing tall and proud out there by himself.
That is all the pictures I have for you, but I will tell you of one other thing that happened that day. When we were done walking around we saw a Frisbee on the ground. So me and mom just started tossing it back and forth. safe to say that we were terrible. It was so much fun though. We played around for an hour, attracting children that came and helped us play.
I have never had so much fun in my life then when I was playing Frisbee with my mom. She is the best when it comes to things like that. I will never forget that trip, if for no other reason then playing with that stupid Frisbee.
Now good people, I bid you a good night.
Pleasant dreams,
J.K. Van'Ellessad
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