Sunday, December 22, 2013

Things Never Change

I was woken up last night with a terrible pain in my stomach. If I didn't know it was already out, i would say it was my Gaul Bladder again. Since than I have been having issues all day. 

Was already not in the best mood and what does Stephanie do? Start going at me and not leave me alone. To the point Dad decided he needed to be helpful and tell me to stop it.. me... not her. She wasn't leaving me alone, was making me worse and worse but its me that gets told to shut it.

I couldn't handle it so, with no shoes and my hair unbrushed I just left the house and walked and walked for a bit. The side walk was cold and hurting my feet so I stopped and called my mom telling her to text me when Stephanie and Dad were gone, because I refused to go back home while they were there. She asked me where I was and just picked me up in the car... with dad there and drove to church. 

You'd think it would end there right? Nope!

I went to tell my mom something during nursery and Stephanie was there. She started saying things like , "cause we all know its only one opinion that matters" and wouldn't stop. She just kept harassing me and in the end my mom told me to stop it and go back to the nursery...

Once again she starts it, she harasses me and yet I am the one that is told to shut up. Was so upset i had to tell them I would be in the kitchen in they needed me and I hid in the kitchen crying for most of nursery. Mom is still made at me, will barely even talk to me. I like how its not Stephanie's fault.. its mine. She can rag on me, lecture me, harass me. That's okay. If i get pissed, than suddenly its not okay.

I hate my family sometimes.. now all I want to do is hide on the computer but most of my online friends aren't online, so I am left alone when I need people the most... as usual. And of course, for no reason at all my back is killing me...

I can barely bend over.

Just something else to make my day better.

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