Friday, July 5, 2013

Fire Works at Memorial Park

These are videos of the fireworks display from Memorial Park. This was the first time in 5 years we have had a real fireworks display so we were all pretty excited. I recorded these with my mom's phone. It is in so many pieces because a couple of them ran out of memory and after that i was just waiting for a finale and they were giving us a lot of false finales lol.

This is where the first time the memory didn't have enough room. But I cleared it up not wanting to not have the rest of the fireworks. SO once I cleared up some memory I started this second one.

If I remember right this one cut off to so I cleared up more memory space.

From here on is the false finales, it really was an awsome firework display and I'm sure by now you have heard the dog in the background and possibly the drunks guys yelling "go america!"

And finally, the finale!

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