Thursday, February 27, 2014

Baby Picture

I went on Facebook and found a message from my cousin that read:

             "Random...Just found a photo of you in the office here... We've been trying to figure out who it was, and I finally took it out of the frame and the back of the pic says its you!!!"

The back of the picture says my name, and then : 7 pounds 2 ounces; 20.5 inches I was so tiny! Looking at the picture just made my day. Aren't I a cute little baby? Look at the pink bow in my hair!! I am not sharing the back for obvious reasons. I do not want my full name for all to see in case those I don't want finding the blog find it.

This has been your daily dose of cuteness! Hope the rest of your day is awesome.


J.K Van'Ellessad

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Rainbow Loom Projects

 I received a Rainbow Loom for Christmas and have been having a lot of fun. I found a picture of a turtle and figured out how to make it (below)  and it turned out great!

Next i found a pattern in my book for a hibiscus bracelet and decided to make it out of glow-in-the-dark bands. I loved how the glow-in-the-dark looked. It looked completely amazing!

Recently Michael's had a sale for the bands, two for five, and mom took me over to get some. I really wanted the camo bands, but when we got there I found them out. I suppose that is the risk of living in a military town, when bands go on sale the camo flies off the shelf. Well I found other colors that looked like they were the camo and used them. However i did look online and find out I did not use their colors but its okay because I like how they turned out.

The followed the star-burst bracelet pattern first of all.

For the first bracelet I used multi-colored stars. This means I used all the colors I had for each star. When it was done it looked awesome, kind of like camo. I wasn't sure which way (there were two) that I would like better. So, I took my camo colors and this time did the stars solid colors, alternating the colors for the diffrent stars. For both bracelets I used all the colors for the border.

To make my camo I used: Black, Burgundy, Dark Green, and Olive Green.

I took a picture of them all and put them on the Rainbow Loom Facebook page. So I took a picture of both of them together so they could be seen side by side.

 I love the Rainbow Loom, it is the first, and the best of all the rubber band looms and they are very fun to make. If you follow the step-by-step instructions in YouTube videos or books you will be able to create even the most complicated of patterns.

I know I haven't posted in a while, but I thought I would share my life for a time. I hope you all enjoyed my creations!

J.K. Van'Ellesad