Saturday, April 25, 2015

Rest In Piece Squirt

 Squirt, my Jenday Conure, passed away this morning on April 25, 2015. He was one of the best birds a girl could ask for.  I hope he knows that I love him and will see him again one day.

He hasn't been doing well and yesterday he went downhill. This morning I came up to check on him. I held him gently, petting him as he made his soft noises at me, and then he started shaking. When the shaking ceased... he was gone.

My heart hurts so much right now, I can't calm down, can't be happy. I am just to angry...

We took him down to Dublin Animal Hospital where they cremated him for us and gave us a free wing print.. I play to take it, the feathers they cliped for him, pictures of him, and his favorate bunny and put it all in a shadow box for him.

I love you so much Squirtlle.... and I hope you are finally at peace and happy where you are now. Know that i love you and did all I could for you...

You will be deeply missed.

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