Saturday, January 21, 2017

Writing: Show vs. Tell

Hello lovies!

I am back again, this time I wanted to give you some examples of what I've mean on showing a story verses just telling a story. Lets start off with a simple setting.

  • A cold jungle Night.


The easiest way to just tell it is to leave it at that. "it was a gold jungle night..." Otherwise person you could tell it like this:

  • A soft breeze gentle danced though the air, rustling the large leaves bringing the cool temperatures of night. Up above the canopy of trees, the large violet moon Eles and Its small companion Inah, rose into the sky showering the world in a soft moonlight. 

That was a little  better of course, but still this is mostly telling. I'm not showing you the scene I'm telling you. Its cold. The leaves are big. It wasn't bad, but if we pull back just a little more we can show the reader the scene.


The sun is falling. 

Brilliant colors sing a lullaby as the grand light of day fades below the horizon, temporarily cascading the world in darkness. when the light fades, the beauty of the night comes alive. Countless stars seemingly blink into existence as colors streak a crossed the once dark sky. The violet sphere of Eles peeks over the horizon to soon dominate the night, followed closely by the small, blue, Inah. The violet and blue companions cast the land in their soft moonlight, forever the silent guardians of our dreams. The moons of Narsayes let out a sigh upon the land. The wind, nothing more then a gentle caress, sweeps through the jungle canopy. 

Leaves, some larger then a man, rustle under the caress welcoming in the cool temperatures of the night. Many creatures, both big and small, sleep yet even in the night the jungle is filled with bustling life.

Can you see how instead of just saying it was night, and just saying it was cold, just saying the leaves were big I showed the reader instead.  Of course you have to be careful to not have to much description or the readers get bored. You should find the right balance. A good way to do this is to not just describe everything in one huge block. Break it up throughout the scene, showing details when they are necessary.

I hope this was helpful!
Take care!

J. K. Van'Ellessad

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Recent Projects and Book Reviews: The Lost Civilization of Suolucidir and A Monster Calls

Hello lovies!

No automatic alt text available.First let me show you what I've made recently with Craft Fantastic products! I used a heart base and glass that I got as a gift from my last order and an image i loved of part of a map. I used them to make a heart necklace. I have a fondness for maps, in fact I make my own maps for my fictional world which I keep in a sketchbook. If you look close enough you can see the N which of course stands for North. The North star has always been a point of great interest. It will always guide you. And in my necklace it says to me you will always be my north star.

No automatic alt text available.The second necklace i made took a bit more time. The image isn't one I bought from Craft Fantastic. Instead, I got an image I liked and worked in word to get it exactly 1 in by 1 in. I then filled the page with the 1 inch images and printed them out. Then I followed the steps of putting glue on the glass, putting the glass to the image and pressing down, using a q-tip to clean up excess clue and then cutting it out and sticking it in the base with the double stick dots. This is perfect for the Fourth of July, and with all the images I printed out I can make many many more. The great thing about Craft Fantastic jewelry is you don't have to use their images, you can print out and use your own!  ( they do not recommend not using thick photo paper)

As many in my area know, January means one thing ( besides my birthday). It is time for the Adult Reading Program for our local library district. I look forward to this every year. I was very sad when I turned to old to participate in the teen reading program. But we have an adult one so it makes it alright. I started reading a book today for the reading program that I had checked out awhile ago and hadn't gotten down to.  The book is: The Lost Civilization of Suolucidir by Susan Daitch.

The premise and idea of this book is an interesting one. A civilization long lost. Most of the archaeologist community doesn't even believe it exists but everyone who goes looking for it ends up imprisoned or dead. The narrator finds the city accidently but before they can finish excavating it, war interrupts and they are forced to flee the country with stolen artifacts.

The book itself, however, is not well written. It uses the right grammar, the right language, the right words but that is all that it has going for it. The story is flat. The dialogue is almost non-existent. I have read first-person books before, and if done right you can have a wonderful story. In this, the narrator mostly just tells you what the conversation was about. You learn the narrator had a wife, and her name was Ruth. But you could not care less about Ruth or the others in the story. You don't feel for the narrator, you don't feel for this characters. You don't hate the villains, cry for the victims, root for the hero...

You feel nothing. Writers are always being told, "Show don't Tell" This book is a prime example of someone simply telling a story and not showing. It does not make you want to stay and read it. It does not make you want to care for the characters at all. Its simply as plain as a textbook.

After such a let down and the mental effort it took to finish such a poorly written novel, I decided to ready something else today as well. I chose A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. In the introduction, he states how the story began as an idea from Siobhan Dowd. Before she could write the book, however, she died leaving just the idea, the characters, and a beginning. Patrick stated he felt it would be wrong to try and mimic her voice, so he rather focused on telling a story he thought she would have liked to read.

A Monster Calls is truly an amazing story. I bought the collectors edition from my local Costco.  The had drawn images throughout are truly amazing an where The Lost Civilization of Suolucidir failed, this book succeeds. You come to care for Conor so much. I guarantee this book will leave you sobbing. You follow the story of Conor, quickly realizing his mother is suffering from some kind of cancer though they never actually say. The monster comes each time to tell him a story. 3 to be exact. The monster claiming the 4th Conor will tell him. And if he does not tell his truths, then the monster says he will die.

Although short, the story doesn't lack at all in what it is telling. It pulls you in quickly and soon you are feeling what Conor is feeling and suffering.  I highly recommend this book to any and all! I could not put it down.  The collectors edition, besides the story, also includes the following:

* enlightening new essays by the author (who also wrote the screenplay)
* interviews with the director, cast, and crew 
* stills from the movie 
* exclusive behind-the-scenes content 
* previously unpublished early sketches by the illustrator, whose artwork inspires animated scenes in the film

Another point i should add, about why i loved the book so much is while the monster is telling his 3 tales. Each time Conor acts like a normal human being and boy. He makes remakes and questions what the monster says and the monster reacts. All of this is in the book and makes it more like a real story.  You truly do care for Conor in the end. 

That is all for today lovies. Have a great evening!

J.K. Van'Ellessad

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Back Again!

I am back again!

No automatic alt text available.Please forgive me for my absence, I have been going through a lot lately. I have become ill again, like when I was younger. I started passing out and eventually the center I worked at put me on unpaid medical leave and now my 12 weeks are up and I am unemployed until the doctors can figure out what is wrong with me.

Image may contain: one or more people and closeupI have been trying to figure out what to do since all that I have worked for is pretty much gone at this point and so I have been doing a few things. I recently got into beading. I have an Indian beading loom, a Ricks beading loom, and a Wrap-it Loom.  I even started doing some netting and beading with just needles and string. Throughout this post I will post pictures of everything I have been working on lately.

No automatic alt text available.
At the moment I am trying to decide if there is a way I can mix beading and the type of jewelry done by Craft Fantastic. I met them a year ago while attending Yarn Fest and fell in love with the jewelry! Thankfully at the time I had money to spend on supplies, now i find myself without money struggling to figure out how to make jewelry and things i love, without any money to buy the supplies. It is hard to create when you have no assets..
I am keeping my head up though. I will find a way to do the things I love to do. In the lyrics of my theme song from Spamalot:

No automatic alt text available.I am not dead yet
I can dance and I can sing
I am not dead yet
I can do the Highland Fling
I am not dead yet
No need to go to bed
No need to call the doctor
Cause I'm not yet dead.

I have been singing this song for the past few months now. I am not dead yet.

I am alive, and that will have to be enough. I worked hard to get my AAS in Early Childhood Education and if now that time is over, then I will find something new to learn, something new to create and express myself, even though every single day I will miss seeing those little children every day.

Image may contain: indoor
Image may contain: one or more peopleTo the left is a bracelet I made using the charms and items from Craft Fantastic. The only thing I did not get from them was the jump rings and clasp. Isn't it just gorgeous? I originally took the photo for Facebook and I am going to start working on making more professional photos that don't look so bad. I highly recommend Craft fantastic's products. They are truly amazing and it is all so amazingly easy to make.

The other photo is a necklace I made that I and many others adore! I love the sheet music image  in it. And as I said before so simply and easy to make, not to mention quick!