Sunday, December 22, 2013

It Never Ends Part 2

So  I was hoping I was wrong, but I wasn't.

It isn't Stephanie's fault at all in their mind. It is mine and the cat that, thanks to Stephanie's cats, has to be locked in my room all day. Apparently i cant be in pain, i can't be depressed, Stephanie can't have pissed me off. No... Its Luna driving me nuts.

Than just now Mandi's dumb bird walked in and I told her I couldn't get him. When I told her it was because my back hurt real bad she rolled her eyes so I said FINE and went and get the dumb bird which hurt like crap and all they have to say is, "you don't HAVE to bend, just squat." Well that doesn't help, moving at all hurts.

I'm crying now cause it hurt but who cares... mom just said "see this is what i have been dealing it"

Why is it never anyone's fault by mine? Mandi made me get HER bird but because I'm in pain and started crying it's my fault. 

I hate them all...

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