Thursday, August 7, 2014

Worst Day Ever

Today was a really bad day. Before i explain why let me give you some back information. I finally found my mentor eval done on my by my mentor teacher while i was doing my toddler practicum. On the line that says "the student is neat with their personal appearance, she wrote "no" So keep that in mind and what that did to my self esteem as i tell my tale. I walk into the library to start my volunteer hours as i usually do on Thursdays, and soon as i walk into the back my favorite pair of flip flops break... I'm thinking great.. their gonna love seeing me in broken shoes. So when they weren't looking i taped them so they would at least stay.

Then I get my work done and walk to the car where the tape gives out and they break agian. As SOON as i sat down in that car i felt a rip in the back of my pants. Great, broken shoes, ripped pants. i just cant win on my appearance today.

So we get to subway and Mom and Mandi want to be helpful and try to get me into the restaurant with my pants rip. I am mortified. But they seem pissed at me so i get out of the car but they aren't moving. they are just sitting there... by the time they got out and kept trying to get me to turn around to show them my ripped pants i get to embarrassed and sit back in there where in the sitting motion causes my pants to rip the rest of the way to my waistband. now there is a bigger whole in my pants and i am defiantly not getting out now.

Mom thought i was mad at them and it pushed her over the edge so they decided to take me home and leave me there alone with dad [ weeee ] and then go off to eat and do whatever. I went downstairs and cried for at least an hour. i still kind of want to cry and everyone hates me.

I hate life,

And apparently my teachers are right. But you know some of us don't have the money to go out and by a super nice and fancy wardrobe. Some of us are stuck with the few clothes they got and cannot dress up as "neat" as others want us to....

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