Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I like this quote, sometimes you have to go through a lot 'dying inside' to become someone better and reach another plateau in your life. Sometimes, i know, it feels like its never going to end, wondering what you can get from any of the trouble that your going through.
We all have out trials... sadly we end up with more then one. My biggest trials are my health and then my father. Two of my conditions cause migraines so i have to have prescription headache pills since nothing else works, well I kind of misplaced mine lol, but cant get anymore cause we don't have health insurance since dad lost his job and without insurance its $99.  So i have to make do with the stupid Excedrin.

At least one good thing is happening, in about an hour Prius Online is coming back as Arcane Saga!!! I'm so excited about it. I've been waiting for the game to come back since Gpotato [the morons they are] closed it down. Don't feel bad for Gpotato!! they closed down Seven Core to. They like to close down their good games but keep their yucky ones!

I'm almost dying inside waiting for Arcane Saga to go into closed beta. I want my Lon Femina back. But I can wait, I'm just praying this stupid Excedrin kicks in and relives some of the migraine before I can play the game, or its not going to go so well.

Now, what started this whole blog was my extended family tattling on thing is posted to my dad on Facebook  I started this blog so i could vent without being yelled at for it. They have unfriended me, so i was wondering today about stopping the blog but i don't think I will. I know my dad, he will find a way to figure out what I've posted now that his sister and brother wont be tattling. So i'm going to keep this blog so at least i can post in peace.

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