Monday, May 20, 2013

The Mail Theif

Let me tell you a story,

A week or so ago my dad called me to the door and handed me 2 things, one was 2 coupons for $1 off of a two pack of Pam spray, another I don't remember. Now he told me this "I guess these are for you, because a box came and said ----- on it; they really need to put a first name on it so I know it’s yours and don't accidently open it."

I thought, wow that's odd I'm sure they asked for my first name when I filled out the forms for the samples...

Today we were working in the garage to fix the door and when I looked over, wedged in a lot of other boxes so you can't see it, was the box. I was like 'cool there is the box'. Curious, I picked it up and glanced at it and the world stopped... right there, in PLAIN sight on the little address label was my full name. At first I thought, odd thing for him to miss that and then as I started to realize the anger hit me. There was no way for him to see the last name without the first. He thought there might be food or something interesting in there so he opened it and gave me the two items.

I cannot confront him because he will just lie about it so now I will wonder for the rest of my life if there was something else in there and he decided to keep it. I will never know what was in there, if it was just the two items he gave me, or if there were more.

This has escalated...

It has gone past the things he thought was spam that came for me, now he's opening boxes and things like that, that might be interesting or something he might want. If he things it’s a spam or a sample he's going to open it up and sometimes he's sitting there in his stupid chair waiting for the mail so I can't pick it up myself half the time.

Or I’m sleeping and it comes before I'm upstairs and he gets it before me.

How bad is it that you have to wonder how much mail has come for you that you've never received? That your own father is opening and possibly stealing things that have come for you. I am trying not to be angry or bitter. I know that if I let those angry feelings in they can eat my alive from the inside out but it is really hard right now. Mom can't even believe it, she doesn't understand why he would lie or even do it.

It's proving hard to just forgive him with each new thing he does.

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