Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pot calling the Kettle Black

So just a bit of information first,

Dad never plugs in his stupid scooted himself, he always asks us to do it. Last night he asked mom to and she forgot. so when he tried to drive off to who knows where he couldn't get far.

I wonder if he will learn his lesson and plug it in himself now. Probably not but it would be nice for him to do something besides sitting in his bed all day reading or whatever. I like to read to but I don't lay in my bed to do it. I am up, I move around and I do things. I walk and go out he doesn't unless he can scooter himself there rather then walk or have someone drive him around.

Of course, if you drive him around you have to live with all his cursing and angry backseat driving whether at you, or the other drivers. I hate when he starts yelling at another driver for something he himself does when he would drive. It's like... really? You are going to yell and curse for something you do as well?

He is defiantly a pot calling the kettle black.

Anyways I guess he is stranded for awhile, which just makes me giggle. It serves him right for not doing it himself.

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