Friday, May 3, 2013

Life with Bullies

I'm tired of it all, I cant put out my frustration on Facebook with little posts because my dad's side of the family run off and tell him and I get yelled at... I'm 'embarrassing' him and the family, he doesn't know why he doesn't turn off the internet right now, blah blah blah. So going to have to vent here and never post on Facebook again.

What happened to 'you can trust your family'? Apparently that doesn't apply to my family  You'r dad is a bully, constantly picking on you and believes EVERYTHING that goes wrong in his life is YOUR fault and you can't even post about it on your own freaking page -.-

I feel so trapped, I can't hold everything in and yet i'm supposed to cause everyone outside the immediate family things him a saint. Sure he weighs over 600 pounds and does nothing but lay in his underwear in his bed all day long, sure he had to get an electric scooter cause he's to lazy to walk anywhere himself, SURE he lost his job because he was to FAT to do it, but he's a saint and its all my fault,  I just don't understand how hard it is for him.


I'm done with being told i'm the problem to everything, that i'm just throwing 3 year old tantrums. Posting whats making me cry or upset? or something that i just couldn't believe like the steaks thing? That's a tantrum?

I hate family sometimes...

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