Friday, May 3, 2013

Prologue: The Bride

In the elden days there were countries and cities. Filled to the brim with people, they were the depths of society. Things are different now; as the world fell the nations and countries of the past crumbled till they were nothing but legends. The cities that remained were sealed away behind massive walls designed to keep everything out. Only a single gate was created for each of the 13 cities, now transformed to the ‘compounds’, so those fleeing could find sanctuary within its walls.

Some would leave, searching for signs of any other survivors but most were never seen again and passage through the gates became forbidden except for a few personnel trained to counteract the dangers that resided out in the forest... the wild men.

The wild men were once just ordinary met, but once the world fell and separated a few were lost and left behind. No one understood why but suddenly they all massed behind a man that rose from the shadows preaching words of vengeance and hate for those that lived and survived within the cities.

Four compounds have fallen to their hands, bringing the number from thirteen to nine. It is unknown how they manage to get inside the compounds, but once they are there is no stopping them. They left the purely innocent alone though, until the compound of silver-mist was taken. A compound well known for being against violence, it was a shock when they were attacked, but that alone is not what cause the others to pull away in terror. Every last living thing was destroyed within those walls.

No one survived, except rumors that a bride, who was to be joined that day to her chosen, had escaped. Most though couldn't bare to believe the tales, that is until one snowy night a young woman in a tattered white lace gown stood at the gates of the compound closest to silver-mist. Was she the bride? it seems the answer was never to be found for by the time she found her voice her memories had escaped her.

*taken from my notebook for the story of Mae and Tahlen

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